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Advanced ADX Metatrader 4 Indicator

    The advanced ADX indicator is based on the Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) developped by J. Welles Wilder.

    ADX basics: +DI above -DI means positieve trend. -DI above +DI means negative trend. ADX values above +25 suggest strong trends.

    Trading Signals

    Buy: Wait for the first green bar.

    Sell: Wait for the first red bar.

    Use in conjunction with other analysis tools, such as technical oscillators to pinpoint trade entries with small downside risk.

    Indicator Preferences

    Currency pairs: any
    Preferred Time frames: any
    Sessions: any (London, New York for smaller timeframes up to the 15 min)


    Download the advanced_adx.mq4 indicator.

    Configurable Indicator Options

    ADXPeriod, color

    EUR/USD Daily Chart Example


    How to install the Advanced ADX custom indicator in Metatrader 4?

    • Download the advanced_adx.mq4 indicator to your computer.
    • Open your Metatrader 4 platform.
    • Open the data folder from the top menu.
    • Open the MQL4 folder.
    • Open the indicators folder.
    • Paste the indicator file in this folder.
    • Restart the trading platform.
    • Open any trading chart.
    • Attach the indicator to the chart.