The FX Correlation EA version 1.3 for Metatrader 4 hedges trading positions in highly correlated currency pairs to profit from the correlation between those pairs.
For instance, it will hedge the EUR/USD against the USD/CHF and profits from its correlation.
In terms of profitability, this Forex robot made +1275.62% in about 1 year of trading.
In the EA’s inputs tab, please enter the currency pairs you like to hedge (symbol 1 and symbol 2).
The EA can be used on unlimited trading accounts, both demo and live and should work on any time frame.
Recommended: test the FX Correlation EA version 1.3 robot on a demo account first over an extended period of time before running it on a live trading account.
Free Download
Download the “Fx Correlation EA 1.3.ex4” expert advisor
Track Record
The chart below shows the FX Correlation EA results for 1 year of trading (click on the chart to zoom in).
Performance Highlights:
- Total gain: +1275.62%
- Monthly gain: 17.93%
- Pips: 23434.9
Download This Expert Advisor (MT4)
Download the “Fx Correlation EA 1.3.ex4” Forex robot
General Information & Recommendations
- Works best on highly correlated currency pairs
- Optimized for M5 and M15 time frames
- Recommended minimum account balance: $250
- Works on unlimited demo accounts.
- Works on unlimited live accounts.
- Developed for Metatrader 4
Chart Example
The picture below shows the FX Correlation 1.3 EA attached to the EUR/USD 5-minute chart.
EA Input Parameters
Lots, take profit, stop loss, symbol 1, symbol 2, add magic
How to access the inputs tab? Right click on the chart > properties > inputs tab (adjust EA settings here)
How do I install the FX Correlation EA in Metatrader 4?
- Open the Metatrader 4 platform and select “File” from the top menu
- Click on “Open Data Folder” and select the “MQL4” folder
- Click on “Experts” folder and drag and drop the Fx Correlation EA 1.3.ex4 file into this folder
- Restart the Metatrader 4 platform and attach the expert advisor to the chart